Ramadan – An Ephemeral Gift

‘Day 20?’ I laugh under my breath, almost as if I am trying to convince myself otherwise.

I mean, just yesterday, we talked of our excitement for the coming of Ramadan, right? Just yesterday, we wrote down our goals and spoke at length about how this year would be different. How it was exactly what we needed. Just yesterday, we were counting down the days, our faces beaming with hope.

But yesterday seems like a lifetime ago.

As I push aside my denial, I start to notice that I have never felt a Ramadan pass by as quickly as this one.
I find myself questioning: ‘What have I done to show Allah SWT that I really care?’

As we reach the final third of Ramadan, our hearts can start to tremble at the very thought of its departure. We worry about the things we have done.
And more importantly, we worry about that which we haven’t done.

But that is where the beauty lies.
Our concern for time speaks volumes.
And in this, there is motivation for change.

‘The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.’

Notice how Allah SWT mentions completion- a focus on the end result.

Ramadan is not meant to be forever, rather, it is a period to be completed.

A friend from out of town that visits once a year to show us the best version of ourselves.

Maybe we didn’t give it the warmest of welcomes, and perhaps we haven’t been the best of hosts. But we can bid it the most beautiful farewell.

No matter how inadequate we feel, the opportunity is still within reach.

May the last of these days be greater than the first.
May we complete this period in the most righteous of ways. May we acknowledge its blessings and work to please Allah SWT until the final moment.
And as we do so, may we glorify Allah to that which He has guided us.

And finally, may we be grateful for the gift of Ramadan.
A gift that is not everlasting.
For if that were the case, would it really be the greatest?

الحمد لله

By Sarah Abdelrahman 

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