I want to share with you all a beautiful reflection from a talk a dear friend recently delivered about the power of duaa and how to elevate your duaas during the last 10 days of Ramadan. She made us do an exercise which has transformed the way I approach duaa…
She began by reading this excerpt from a Hadith Qudsi (sunnah.com/nawawi40:24) and asked us all to imagine that we were there, standing in this place and that we had one chance to ask Allah for anything we ever wanted. What would we ask for?

Yet Allah tells us again and again how He is Al Qareeb who is always near to us, how He is Al Samee’, always listening when we call out to Him and how He is Al Kareem and Al Mujeeb who will give us more than we could ever imagine and never wants to return us empty-handed.
I realised I was placing limits on what I was asking of Allah based on what I thought was possible rather than what Allah was capable of. Part of me was also afraid of being vulnerable, of exploring my dreams and daring to speak some of my innermost desires into existence.

She then told us to rewrite some of the duaas we had written, with no restrictions or limitations. She told us to ask for 100x more, then 1000x more, and then 100000x more. She told us to test the limits of our duaas and ask for the maximum from Allah…
Because when you ask the King of Kings, you don’t ask for pennies. Allah’s bounty is endless and He guaranteed us an answer to our duaas so we should ask him for everything.

Sometimes we can fall into the trap of asking Allah for what we think we “deserve”. But we see with the examples of Prophet Sulaiman & Prophet Yunus that Allah’s mercy is greater than our sins & it’s precisely in those moments that we do wrong that we should ask even more of Him.

She also reminded us of the Hadith that nothing can change Divine decree except duaa. She asked us to rewrite our destiny with the pen of duaa and when I heard that, it dawned on me just how much I had neglected this powerful tool Allah had given us.

Not only did her words change my approach to making duaa, they also transformed my relationship with Allah. I’ve never looked forward to going into sujood to have a conversation with Allah and to ask him for everything and anything, as much as I have since that talk ♥️
Allah responds to the one who calls, when they call, wherever they call.
May Allah inspire us to always call out to Him. May we be of those that always turn to Him. And may He accept all our duaas this Ramadan and beyond 🙏🏼
courtesy Fatima Said